Welcome to the NEW Tau Upsilon Chapter Website!

Welcome to our entire Membership and any visitors to our site!

The Tau Upsilon Chapter is committed to getting our website on the circle up and running this year. We will use this as one of our platforms to communicate with all of our members as well as any visitors to our site. We will be setting up our events and some discussions, as well as some resources that you may find interesting. Just sit tight and keep checking back as this will be a work in progress. If anyone has some expertise in website maintenance and would like to become our Website Editing Chair, we would love to hear from you! Take care everyone!

Did you know...Tau Upsilon was a Chapter Giving Club Member from 2018-2023?


This means that Tau Upsilon donated $1 for every active member we have to the STTI Foundation!

What have we been up to this past 2019-2021 biennium and what does our future hold?

We're committed to supporting our Tau Upsilon members and the surrounding community. For example, our "Fall Fun at Thiessen's" event held at our local apple orchard raised funds for the Tau Upsilon nursing research grants we distribute during our induction ceremony. We are open to any suggestions for how we can help support our community's nursing students and practicing nurses. In the past, we have held resume and interview workshops, research presentations, and seminars focused on improving our health (meditation, mindfulness, and pilates seminars). We are passionate about serving our community and would love to recruit more volunteers to help with our philanthropy work. This last biennium, we sponsored a family in need to assist them with their Christmas wish list, provided a free holiday meal to those experiencing food insecurity or social isolation during the holidays (and donated all leftover food to the Windsor Youth Centre), and collaborated with a local business to raise funds to support our local university and college student food banks.

These are just snapshots of our recent events, however, we would love to do so much more to help our local students, nurses, and community. Please reach out to one of our Chapter Leaders if you would like to join us for future events or if you would like to request additional support from us. We are here for you!


Interested in joining our Chapter? Please click here!


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Chapter News

  • Christmas Family Giving Campaign

    Hello Everyone,
    We hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. As the festive season approaches, it's a time for giving, sharing, and spreading joy. This year, we have a wonderful opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of a local family at SOAHAC (Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre)  who could use a little extra cheer. In collaboration with the University of Windsor's Nursing Faculty, we are sponsoring a single mother who is currently expecting her 4th child and would greatly benefit from our support!  Our goal is to provide them with a memorable holiday season, filled with love, warmth, and the festive spirit.
    ~We understand that everyone has different capacities to give, especially during these times, so please know that your support, in any form, is valuable and appreciated.~
    If interested in purchasing an item for the family, please click on the link below for their Wish List: We ask that if you do purchase an item, please update this live document so that we don't have duplicate gifts.
    If you prefer to offer financial support, please know that any monetary donation, regardless of the amount, will be deeply appreciated. Donations can be made to Sara Williams via e-transfer (Direct Deposit) at williamssara91@gmail.com
    The last day to contribute is December 8, 2023. If you are purchasing a gift for the family, or prefer to give cash, you can either drop it off at the Nursing office (3rd floor of the Toldo building) or email Sara directly. 
    Let's come together to show this family the true spirit of our community this Christmas. Thank you for considering this request and for your continued kindness and generosity.
    Wishing you a joyful holiday season,
    Your Local Tau Upsilon Chapter

Chapter Events