Welcome to Our Zeta Pi Chapter Website!

Zeta Pi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, referred to as Sigma, is making plans to further our mission, expand our knowledge, and foster a vibrant professional organization.

Each member builds a link to the next that extends our impact just that much further!

Get involved today and engage in our upcoming chapter events.

Zeta Pi Chapter News

Chapter News

  • Call for Abstracts - Sigma Biennial Convention 2025

  • Call for Abstracts - Sigma Region 6 Conference

  • Call for Nominations - Excellence in Mentoring

  • 2024 Zeta Pi Membership Survey

    Please take a few moments to complete our annual membership survey, which will help the Chapter plan meetings, activities, and events you will be interested in attending. 

  • Zeta Pi Welcomes 16 New Inductees!

    Welcome to Sigma and Zeta Pi!

  • Zeta Pi Communication Survey

    Please take a moment to answer this short survey regarding communications from Zeta Pi.

  • 2024 Zeta Pi Research / EBP Grant

    Zeta Pi will award up to $2000 to a current member advancing nursing science. The award will be presented at our Spring Induction Ceremony, which will be held on April 11, 2024. 

    Members who are interested in applying for this year's grant can find more information by clicking the link below.

    Zeta Pi Research Grant Information and Application

    If you have any questions, please get in touch with Dr. Tsusaki at rebecca.l.tsusaki@uth.tmc.edu

  • Zeta Pi Boad Elections 2024

  • Zeta Pi Valentine's Day Donation Drive for TCH Patients

    Zeta Pi will continue to accept donations for our Valentine's Day Activity Pack drive for Texas Children's Hospital patients until this Friday, February 9, 2023.
    Please consider donating an item to the cause. You can find the Amazon wishlist here: Click Here to Donate!
  • Spring Meeting and Social Event

    Good morning, Zeta Pi members,

    Due to some circumstances with this week's weather and other unforeseen issues, we regretfully have to postpone our Spring Meeting for this evening. 

    We are planning to reschedule the meeting for April 18 in hopes that a later date will give everyone ample time to arrange their schedules so we can all meet and have an educational evening along with some fun. 

    We will send out an updated flyer with a registration link very soon, so please be on the lookout for that information. We hope to see you all at the meeting or one of our other events. 

    Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or if I can assist you with your Sigma membership in any way. 


    Gina Rhodes, Chapter President
    Zeta Pi Chapter of Sigma


  • Spring Meeting and Social Event

    The Fall Social Event has been rescheduled and will be held on January 18, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. 

    Dinner and CPDs will be provided for Zeta Pi members.

    Please use the link to register below or visit the events tab on the website. 

  • Research Symposium with AACN Gulf Coast and AACN West Houston Call for Abstracts!

  • Fall Membership Meeting and Social Event

    Greetings, Zeta Pi members,

    We planned a fall meeting with a presentation and social event in December. Unfortunately, we will have to reschedule that event after the holidays due to unforeseen circumstances. 

    We will keep everyone updated as we continue planning this event. We look forward to meeting with all of you soon!

    Please have a safe and happy Holiday season.


    Your Zeta Pi Board

  • Chapter Key Award

    Great news! Our Chapter received the prestigious Chapter Key Award for the sixth time during the Sigma's Biennial Convention in San Antonio, Texas. Our president Gina Rhodes and president-elect Timothy Joya accepted the award. 

  • Welcome 30 New Zeta Pi Chapter Inductees

    Zeta Pi Chapter welcomes 30 members to Sigma Theta Tau, the second largest nursing organization worldwide.

  • Thank You from Maui Food Bank

    Thank you, Zeta Pi members, for helping others in need. Our donations were appreciated!

Member Spotlight

We look forward to getting to know a Zeta Pi member every month! If you would like to be a featured member or nominate a member you know, please email Gina Rhodes at zetapi158president@gmail.com.


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Chapter Events

Zeta Pi Spring Meeting and Social Event 2024
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Beyond the BSN Fall 2023

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Please join us in congratulating our Zeta Pi member Geri L. Wood who is set to retire from Cizik School of Nursing. We thank her for her impactful accomplishments and contributions to nursing. We wish her well!

Congratulations to Higinio Fernández-Sánchez, BScN, MN, RN, PhD, for completing his PhD from the University of Alberta.
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Photo of Vuong Prieto

Photo of Brandi Virgin

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Vuong Prieto and Instructor Brandi Virgin received the first Dean’s Innovation in Education Award ($5,000) for their proposal “The Implementation of a Neonatal Multiple Simulation in an Undergraduate Baccalaureate Nursing Program.”Purple Line

Photo of Seema AggarwalCongratulations to Dr. Seema Aggarwal, Assistant Professor in the Department of Research, for being awarded a grant from UTHealth for the Aging In Place award titled The Feasibility, Usability, and Acceptability of Using the Oculus™ Virtual Reality Gaming Technology in Stroke Survivors for Upper Extremity and Cognitive Rehabilitation”
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Congratulations to Associate Professor Nitha Mathew Joseph who has been appointed as an advisor for the National South Asian Medical Student Association (NSAMSA), which is dedicated to unifying medical students and promoting South Asian health initiatives and research across the U.S.
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Photo of Elda RamirezCongratulations to Dr. Elda Ramirez, PhD, ENP-BC, FAAN, Professor, Department of Graduate Studies, for being awarded a 2-year grant from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for the Emergency and Trauma Care Education Partnership Program.
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Congratulations to Dr. Angela Nash, who was appointed to serve a three-year term on the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) Research Committee.
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Congratulations to our outstanding faculty who represented Cizik School of Nursing at the Sigma Nursing Research Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland!
295577393_5684373841602277_8580466885236810560_n.jpgDean Diane Santa Maria, who was officially inducted into the International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame, is pictured here with organization president and fellow Texan Dr. Kenneth Dion.

Instructor and PhD student Paige Owen presents with Rosie Pine, director of hospital education at Memorial Hermann-TMC.

Assistant Professor Faith Strunk presents at the Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Research Congress.
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