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Welcome to your chapter's website!

This site provides you with an even greater ability to network with chapter members, upload photos, share documents, participate in chapter discussions and learn about chapter events.


Zeta Chapter’s Board of Directors

Mary DeGrote Goering

Vice President
Erica Timko Olson

Niki Gjere

Adrienne Thayer

Leadership Succession
Tierney Lofgren                      
Eric Carlson

Governance Committee                                         
Samuel Theesfeld (interim)  

Faculty Counselors
Donna Eull                                                                      
Angelica Walton         

Chapter News

  • Zeta Chapter Treasurer Report 2023-2024

    Hello STT Zeta Chapter Members.

    Please see attached link to the 2023-2024 treasurer report for your overview. Please also don't hesitate to send any comments/concerns to this website or my email


    I will make sure to bring any comments/concerns to the STT Zeta Board.

    Thank you!

    Adrienne Thayer

    STT Zeta Board Treasurer 2023-2025

  • Save the Date: Zeta Chapter 90th Anniversary Celebration

    Our chapter was formed 90 years ago in 1934. We are planning a fall celebration event which will coincide with the annual alumni reunion. 

    The celebration of the 90th Anniversary will take place on Thursday, October 24, 2024. The event will take place in the evening and will be held at the Campus Club in Coffman Union at the University of Minnesota.

    More information will be posted as we plan the event.

    Best wishes,

    Mary DeGrote Goering

  • Save the Date: Spring Induction

    We are thrilled to planning for our first in-person induction since the onset of the pandemic! Please "Save the Date"

    Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024

    Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM CST

    Location: To be announced.

    We are looking forward to inducting new members during our 90th Anniversary year.

    Best wishes,

    Mary DeGrote Goering

Chapter Events