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Chapter News

  • New Theta Delta Chapter Leadership

    Good afternoon,

    I want to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to serve as your Chapter President over the past two years. Together, we have introduced innovative ideas, and I am confident these initiatives will have a lasting impact on our chapter. We still need to work on membership engagement, and I know we all have valuable ideas on how to achieve this effectively. As we transition, please join me in welcoming Clay Young as our new President!

    We are now moving forward with election of officers. Please review the attached by-laws carefully, as it contains important information and describes the duties of each position.

    We need to fill the following positions, so kindly complete the attached Qualtrics survey, indicating all the positions for which you would like to be considered. The survey should be completed by August 30th, COB. Following this, we will distribute another Qualtrics survey for the final vote on each position.

    Qualtrics: https://auburn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9ny4JWqLAaqnUGO

    Thank you again for all you do to support our Theta Delta chapter.


    Joy DeBellis

  • Sigma Theta Tau Region 8 Conference

    Sigma Theta Tau Region 8 conference is September 19-21 in Jackson, Mississippi! Early bird registration ends Monday, August 19th! This is a great way to network in the region and get involved with Sigma! Hope to see you there!

Chapter Events

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