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Chapter News

  • Upcoming Epsilon Chapter Induction

    Dear Sigma Epsilon Psi Chapter Members,

    We are thrilled to announce the upcoming Sigma Epsilon Psi Induction Ceremony, which will take place on November 12th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Roanoke Higher Education Center. This special evening is dedicated to honoring our newly inducted nurse leaders, new inductees, and the members who have recently joined our chapter.

    The window has closed for attending in person; however, if Sigma members would like to join us via Zoom at 6:45 pm to extend your congratulations to our new members, here is the Zoom link

    Time: Nov 12, 2024, 06:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
    Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://radford.zoom.us/j/96679070368
        Password: 293040
    Join from a Telephone:
        Dial +1 408 638 0968  
        Enter Meeting ID 96679070368
        Password: 293040
        International numbers available: https://radford.zoom.us/u/azvxnkVds
    Join from a Room Systems: 96679070368@zoomcrc.com
        Password: 293040
    To download the zoom client, go to https://zoom.us/download

    Let's come together to celebrate this significant milestone and the dedication of our growing community of nurse leaders. We look forward to sharing this memorable evening with you, whether in person or virtually.

    Best Regards,

    Tara Chitwood, Chapter President

Chapter Events

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