Omega Chapter

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  • Omega Spring Induction

    Happy Spring Omega members!   Join Us for our Spring induction ceremony celebrating our latest class of inductees. Thursday April 25th 6pmEST on YouTube! Dr. Janice Agazio, current governance committee member, former Sigma Director and Associate Dean of Nursing at The Catholic University of America will be presenting.
  • Omega Chapter Virtual Induction Ceremony and Educational Event

    Head to our events page for details on our Fall 2023 Omega Induction Ceremony and Educational Offering.   Dec. 7, 2023 we will celebrate our newest inductees to Sigma's Omega Chapter.  Please join us at 6pm EST.   Following the induction, we will have a presentation on Nurse Burnout presented by Marian Faculty member Marie Beechy, MSN, RN, PMH-BC, CNE.   In the fast-paced and demanding world of healthcare, nurses are often the unsung heroes who provide unwavering care and support to patients. However, the toll of this demanding profession can lead to nurse burnout, affecting both their well-being and patient outcomes. Join us as we explore strategies and insights to reduce nurse burnout and maintain a healthy work/life balance.
  • Congratulations New Board Members!

    Omega Members! Thank you for voting in the 2023 election.  The results are in!  These board members will serve from July 2023-June 2025. President - Christina Pepin Secretary - Amy Phemister Governance Committee - Dorothy Gomez Leadership Succession - Karen Campbell & Andrea Kelly Archivist - VACANT Webmaster - VACANT If you are interested in joining, volunteering, or shadowing board members please reach out to Karen Campbell at
  • Omega Chapter Board Elections 2023

    Hello Omega members! It is time to vote for open board member positions!   This year we are voting on President, Secretary, Governance Committee, and Leadership Succession Committee.  There are opportunities for write-in candidates in all positions as well as optional positions of Webmaster and Archivist. President:  Acts as executive officer of all business of the chapter, leads chapter board of directors/leadership, serves as chief representative of the chapter, and ensures chapter transparency. Secretary:  Leads communication to chapter membership. Governance Committee:  4 members: 3 elected or appointed, 1 member is counselor. One position is open for election. Oversee membership eligibility issues and determine where the exception clauses apply; lead the bylaws amendment process by reviewing, editing and/or correlating amendments, develop and maintain policies and procedures related to governance. Leadership Succession Committee: 3 members:  3 elected.  Two positions are open for election.  Develop members in organizational leadership roles across the span of their careers, mentor members to assume positions within the organization; elections; oversee the selection of members; submit list of new officers to headquarters after officer elections, develop and maintain policies and procedures related to leadership succession.  Webmaster: Monitor, improve and update chapter website; oversee website maintenance; publicize events, deadlines and important news to members. Archivist: Oversees the process of developing and maintaining a written history of the chapter, manages the collection and preservation of information of historical significance for the chapter. Voting will be open until 11:45 pm EST June 21, 2023 Please use the following link to vote: If you are interested in serving on the board, please feel free to nominate yourself as a write-in candidate for any of the open positions.  If you would like to learn more about board positions or opportunities to volunteer or shadow with the board, please reach out to Karen Campbell at
  • Annual Business Meeting & Educational Event

    To view the recording for the Annual Business Meeting & Educational Event, please go to our discussion board: When:  May 23, 2023 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM (ET) Associated with  Omega Chapter Annual Business meeting: Hear from chapter leadership about the accomplishments of Omega in the past year, upcoming elections, and more. Educational Event: How hospital workers and consumers can be good stewards of finances in the workplace. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Do you or have you ever wondered how finances are managed in the healthcare field? Do you ever wonder what Dave Ramsey would say about hospital finances? Well, let's have a discussion about those costs and how you can respond to consumers and be good stewards in your workplace. Stephanie Xayamath


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