
  • Save the dates!

    Sunday, February 25, 2024- Annual Epsilon Rho chapter induction.9am- 12pm, Florham campus, Lenfell hall in the Mansion, Fairleigh Dickinson University. 


    March 3, 2024: Region 14 Conference Save the Date and Call for Abstracts Podium and Poster Presentations VIRTUAL. (See attached to submit an abstract) (Please Email Marnie ASAP at if you want to attend the conference as it is virtual and we do get 6 complimentary registrations because we are a sponsor, (first come, first serve))


    Mid-March, 2024- new nurse/new APN mentoring event. We will have a panel that will share their experiences and strategies to adjusting in a new role.  (If any members would like to serve as RN/APN/MSN/DNP panel members contact Marnie Sperling directly at or call 973-699-7537.)


    Saturday, April 13, 2024- Annual research day. 9-12p, Teaneck Fairleigh Dickinson University campus.