General Instructions for Applicants
1) Grants will be awarded each April during the Spring Induction Ceremony. Application submission period will be open from October 31of the prior year through February 28 of the award year.
2) All correspondence regarding application and funding will be addressed to the principal investigator (the individual responsible for the conduct of the proposed research and submission of the final report).
3) All applications should be completed following the instructions and the outline below. Submit the completed application via email as one pdf document from the principal investigator. Applications not in pdf format or in multiple documents will not be reviewed.
4) Research is to be completed within 12 months of funding.
5) Upon completion of the research, a final report is to be presented to Pi Theta’s Awards Committee via email by the principal investigator.
6) Pi Theta will be acknowledged as a funding source in any presentation or publication arising from the funded research.
7) Upon request of Pi Theta chapter, research findings will be presented at a meeting of the chapter or another venue designated by the chapter.
8) Explanations of content required on the form below:
a) Total application should not exceed three pages. Acceptable fonts include Aptos, Arial, Calibri, and Times New Roman using 12 point.
b) Principal Investigator name and phone number will be included in a footer on each page.
c) The application should be a 2-3 sentence statement of the purpose of the research project and a body of 6-7 short paragraphs that contain:
i) A brief list of specific aims of the research.
ii) A 2–3-piece literature review supporting need for the research.
iii) A brief paragraph listing the proposed research design, target population, setting, variables to be measured, and data analysis methods.
iv) A timetable for conducting the research with times for key points, including estimated beginning and completion dates.
v) A concise statement of the potential impact of the research upon nursing practice or education.
Applications should be submitted to:
(insert email of current Awards Committee Chairperson or Chapter President)
Title of Research Proposal
Purpose (2-3 sentences)
1) Specific aims (1 paragraph)
2) Literature Review (2-3 paragraphs)
3) Design, population, settings, variables, and methods (1 paragraph)
4) Timetable (1 paragraph)
5) Potential Impact Statement (1 paragraph)