
  • Day 4: sigma biennial

    Day 4: Sigma Biennial 
    Today we served as delegates in the voting of new officers and listened to the Sigma biennial reports.  The take home message from the reports is that Sigma is in a very healthy financial state. For those chapter members who submitted your votes we voted based on your preferences and the choices for officers were elected successfully. So our day was basically sigma international reports and updates and the elections of officers.  We then went to dinner with the Region 14 members and brainstormed some collaborative events we can do to enrich our members with research, community and education and to hopefully increase chapter member engagement and participation. Yes that means you all! So please message or email us with any community or educational events you are interested in participating in or planning as a chapter! Tomorrow is the voting on the bylaws amendments and articles of incorporation. We did get to go out to the Alamo and river walk for a bit. “Remember the Alamo!”