
  • Day 3- Sigma Biennial

    Day 3: Sigma biennial
    Today we attended the Plenary closing and awards ceremony where the following recipients were awarded the Nell J Watts Lofetime Achievement in Nursing Awards: 
    Dr Dana Bjarnason 
    Dr John Patrick Daly 
    Patricia Davidson
    Dr Beth Ulrich
    Dr Bethany Ann Hall-Long, (Lieutenant governor of Delaware)
    Dr Jean Watson (Nurse theorist)

    Archon Award recipients:
    Medical Bridges
    United network for Organ Sharing
    Luci Baines Johnson (daughter of President Lyndon B Johnson) and Ian J Turpin

    We then presented our poster at poster sessions for the afternoon.  
    We took a bit of time to see the most famous Alamo.
    We attended the key awards in hopes of getting ideas so our chapter can earn another key award! We need member engagement in order to obtain this goal. 
    In the evening we joined the nurse educators and researchers from Morristown Medical Center in a Trivia FUNraiser to raise money for the sigma foundation who provides scholarships and grants. We did not place but we did well and had a lot of fun!
    Our chapter proudly is a giving club donor to the Foundation of Nursing.